Where to?

My story

There are three steps to my career – the first of which I ‘served my apprenticeship’ working with a family-owned entrepreneurial business which led me to join up with a partner to set up our own. In our first year we were turning over £1m in revenue and making profit, but I got bored and decided to take a very different career direction.

martin andrew traction matters

Step 2

I spent the next 20 years in leadership roles of a number of predominantly large, international, corporate organisations. Almost all of these were award winning, highly profitable and successful companies but a couple were nothing short of disasters – the latter of which was for me personally too.  I discovered a lot more about myself then than I did during the ‘good times’. What I learned was that I had grown tired of the politics, the unnecessary bureaucracy and the lack of accountability in these organisations which led me to step 3.

Step 3

In 2010 I went back to my ‘entrepreneurial roots’ and I have been working with SMEs and family-owned businesses ever since helping them grow. It was while I was working in one of these companies that I discovered EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System), and I set about implementing the simple practical tools and disciplines into the business. I was amazed by the results, the business doubled in size from £5m to £10m turnover in just 2 years and was sold to a leading private investment office.

So having seen the results first hand in 2018 I set up my own practice, so I could share my experience and help others get what they want from their businesses. A year later I discovered KOLBE and the 5 Behaviors and and have been working with teams to help them understand just how these simple tools can help them get to know themselves better and to develop more open, honest and vulnerable teams.


Let’s Talk

Please contact me to request a FREE 90 Minute Meeting and let me show you how I can help eliminate common business frustrations, or just contact me with any questions.

Call me on 07793 696809